Background Story:
Two adults living in the same house. You have an agreement to take turns washing dishes. You each think it is the others turn. Dirty dishes are in the sink.

It‘s your turn to wash the dishes! jackal puppet

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Emotional Scale Quick Reference
Positive 1. Joy 2. Passion 3. Enthusiasm
4. Belief 5. Optimism 6. Hopefulness 7. Contentment
8. Boredom 9. Pessimism 10. Frustration 11. Overwhelment
12. Disappointment 13. Doubt 14. Worry 15. Blame
16. Discouragement 17. Anger 18. Revenge 19. Hatred
20. Jealousy 21. Guilt 22. Depression Negative

Before After Statement Explanation
15 19 It‘s not my turn! Arguing with an angry person will escalate the situation.
15 9 Are you frustrated? Emotional word empathy guess will move someone up the scale.
15 17 Don‘t get angry with me! Telling someone what emotion not to have, usually is not helpful.
15 16 Oh, like you have never missed a day. Sarcasm is not the tool of the wise.
15 7 Would you like equality? When I‘m tempted to say fair, I find equality is a much more connecting word.
15 18 You haven‘t taken out the trash yet! Pointing out someone‘s shortcomings rarely leads to connection.

Additional comments:
I don‘t know if there is anyone who can relate to a dishes argument but I thought I would include one anyway.

Author Emotion Relationship Topic
Jeff Guilt Friends Death of pet
Vincent Blame Friends teen boys Video Game
Jeff Anger Co-worker friend Work Conflict
Jeff Blame Spouse/Roommate Dirty Dishes
Vincent/Jeff Frustration Friends Bad Throw
Vincent Blame Friends Merry Go Round
Jeff Tretsven Contentment Empathy Buddies Empathy Pause
Jeff Tretsven Blame Coworkers Heated Meeting
Jeff Tretsven Discouraged Friend/Family Self Criticism
Jeff Tretsven Worry Heir Apparent? Inheritance
Jeff Tretsven Discouraged NVC Peer Hearing No!
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